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Cruise NewsCarnival Cruise Line's New Debarkation System Lets You Choose Your Check-Out Time

Carnival Cruise Line’s New Debarkation System Lets You Choose Your Check-Out Time

Carnival Cruise Line has implemented a new debarkation system onboard their cruise ships that lets you choose the zone in which you can get off of the ship at the end of your cruise.
Previously, you were assigned a zone and received luggage tags in your cabin on the last night of the cruise with your zone number on it.  On the last morning of the cruise, you had to wait until your number was called before you could get off the ship. If you got off before your number was called, your bags would not be ready to be picked up in the cruise terminal.

With the exception of zones 1 and 2 (suites, diamond, platinum, and Faster to the Fun guests), you can now pick up luggage tags near guest services anywhere from zone 3 through the highest zone offered on that ship.

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This new debarkation system will come in handy for those who have an early flight and need a low number to get off of the ship sooner rather than later. You can pick the check-out time that best fits in with your travel schedule.

This new system will have no impact Carnival passengers who choose self assist debarkation since they carry off all of their luggage on their own.

Carnival Cruise Line’s website lists the following two options for debarkation on the last day of the cruise.

Option 1 – Express Debark: In order to be cleared off the ship shortly after arrival in the homeport, guests have the option of participating in our Express Debark Program if they elect to carry off their own luggage. The guest should first consider the size of the luggage and whether it can safely be maneuvered through stairs, hallways and escalators. Express Debark is a great option for anyone with an early flight back home.

Option 2 – Checked Luggage Debark: Guests who wish to check-in their luggage by simply leaving their bags outside their stateroom late in the evening on the last night of the cruise. The Housekeeping Department will pick up the bags and store them in a holding area. Upon arrival at the port of debarkation, the luggage is unloaded and separated (by zone number) in the baggage claim area of the terminal. The guests must personally locate their luggage and either carry it out or seek the assistance of a porter. The customary tip is $1 USD per bag.

Passengers will need to select a location on the cruise ship while they wait to be called for departure. Each ship provides a list of designated areas (lounges and outdoor space) for guests to wait; in the interest of safety, you should not wait in the stairwells or lobby area.

Guests will be called over the PA system by zone numbers in numerical order, approximately every 15 minutes, contingent on the flow of guests and luggage off of the ship. Luggage will not be available in the terminal until the specific zone has been called.

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Ben Souza
Ben Souza
Ben is a world traveler who has visited 40+ countries, taken over 80 cruises. He is one of USA TODAY's experts for their 10Best Readers' Choice Awards. His writings have appeared and been cited in various media outlets such as Yahoo News, MSN, NPR, CNN, Fox, and ABC News. Ben currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Follow Ben on Instagram. Visit Ben Souza on Linkedin. You may email Ben at [email protected].
Cruise NewsCarnival Cruise Line's New Debarkation System Lets You Choose Your Check-Out Time


  1. I just cruised on Carnival a couple of weeks ago, and the reality of the system was, that they started debarking for those who were carrying their own luggage off, starting from the lowest deck, and worked their way up. Those with the checked numbered tags didn’t get called until most of the decks had been called. As far as getting the numbered tags go, they put them out on the Lido deck o the last day, with numbers starting from about 4 or 5 on up to 12 or so, there was no check-out time associated with those numbers, and the first call for the numbers was for 1-8, so getting number 1 didn’t get you off any faster than #8. Also you have to be out of your cabin by 8:30 and they didn’t start debarking until 9 or so.

  2. It really doesnt matter, people are going to buck the rules and get off how they want anyway. We recently cruised and they were debating everyone who chose not to check thier bags the night prior, yet the lines were filled with people who did check thier bags. Not only that but we saw those fune folks who walked around and partied on the ship all week that suddenly needed wheelchairs to exit the ship. What jerks! It isnt that serious folks you will get off the dang boat.

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