Cruise NewsCarnival Vista Live: Updates & Details about Carnival Cruise Line's Newest Ship

Carnival Vista Live: Updates & Details about Carnival Cruise Line’s Newest Ship

The Carnival Vista will begin sailing 18 cruises to Europe in May 2016 before heading to New York for a series of cruises.  The final home port for the Vista will be released soon. The ship will have the first IMAX theater at sea, the longest water-slide at sea at 455 feet, the largest Waterworks, family cabins with free in-cabin babysitting, a Skyride 150 feet above the water, and all restaurants on deck 5 will have indoor/outdoor eating areas. All Funship 2.0 upgrades will be on the Carnival Vista.

Carnival Vista Recap – Cruise Radio

Live Blog Updates:

4:57 pm: Bonsai Sushi! Picture courtesy of Doug Parker at

4:55 pm: Cherry on Top! Picture courtesy of Doug Parker at

4:45 pm: The Red Frog Pub that will be onboard the Carnival Vista. Picture courtesy of Doug Parker at

4:40 pm: The Seafood Shack offering lobster and clams, a small taste of the Carnival Vista. Picture courtesy of Doug Parker at

4:35 pm: The Carnival Vista

4:27 pm: After 18 European voyages beginning on May 18, 2016, the Carnival Vista will be coming to New York City for a series of cruises on November 3, 2016.  The final home port for the ship will be announced soon.

4:26 pm: The Serenity Deck will have a chopped salad station.

4:25 pm: Seuss at Sea and Hasbro the Game Show will be included on the Vista. Picture courtesy of Doug Parker at

4:23 pm: A picture of the Family Harbor cabins on the Carnival Vista that will accommodate a family of 5.

4:21 pm: A full ice cream parlor will be on the Carnival Vista. All of the dining options on deck 5 will have indoor and outdoor seating.  Chef’s Table will be open nightly.

4:19 pm: All of the Funship 2.0 upgrades will be incorporated on the Carnival Vista.

4:18 pm: The 3 deck atrium on the Carnival Vista with a LED tower that will change colors throughout the day.

4:15 pm: The Skyride will feature the first cycling track at sea.  It will be 800 feet long and 150 feet above the water.

4:14 pm: First IMAX Theater at sea will debut on the Carnival Vista. It will show blockbusters and classic films.

4:10 pm: The largest Waterworks ever will be on the Carnival Vista as well as the biggest water slides at sea with the Kaleid-O-Slide at 455 feet long.  The ship will also have a new Havana Bar and Havana Cabanas.

4:08 pm: Mark Tamis takes the stage to talk about the features that will be on the Carnival Vista.

4:07 pm: John Heald says that the Carnival Vista will be the best cruise ship we’ve ever seen.  It will be the most innovative ship making the most out of the outdoor and indoor areas.

4:03 pm: The Vista will have family cabins with a family lounge that comes with 3 hours of free in-cabin babysitting.

4:00 pm: John Heald, senior cruise director for Carnival Cruise Line, takes the stage on his 5oth birthday.

3:45 pm: Carnival announces that the Vista will be heading to Europe sailing out of Athens and Barcelona on 8-10 day sailings: Dubrovnik, Izmir, Corfu, Livorno, Marseilles, Messinam Naples, Rome, Trieste, & Valletta will be port stops targeting the UK cruise market.

3:40 pm: A picture of the Skyride that will go around the Lido Deck of the Vista.

Carnival Vista Video

Original Article: Details about the Carnival Vista are set to finally be released today at 4:00 p.m. at a media event in New York City.  While there will be no live stream of the big reveal, Cruise Fever will be updating this page as each detail of the Carnival Vista is revealed.  Details about

Late late night a few images of the Carnival Vista were leaked onto cruise Facebook groups, including the above picture of the aft area on the Vista.

The photos revealed a few interesting additions to Carnival ships including an IMAX Thrill Theater and a ride that will take passengers above the ship and around the lido deck.  Will these be features of the Vista?  We won’t speculate on the photos and will let Carnival Cruise Line tells us exactly what the Vista will offer. We will have live coverage of the #TakeInTheVista event when it begins at 4:00 p.m. EST.

Ben Souza
Ben Souza
Ben is a world traveler who has visited 40+ countries, taken over 80 cruises. He is one of USA TODAY's experts for their 10Best Readers' Choice Awards. His writings have appeared and been cited in various media outlets such as Yahoo News, MSN, NPR, CNN, Fox, and ABC News. Ben currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Follow Ben on Instagram. Visit Ben Souza on Linkedin. You may email Ben at [email protected].
Cruise NewsCarnival Vista Live: Updates & Details about Carnival Cruise Line's Newest Ship


  1. Not the home to the newest RCL ship either. It is going to China is May and will not leave there for almost 2 years. Simple reason $$$$$$$$$$. China and the people who are developing the cruise industry paid big bucks to have the ship work out of Hong Kong and Singapore. The Quantum of the Sea was over a Billion. So he who put up the money to reduce that loan the fastest wins the prize.
    The laws in US also cause big problems as they have to sail to foreign port before coming back to US. Also with all the people is US on cruise ships and $$ spent why none built here. More things in this country need to change before that happens. It called cutting off your nose to spite your face. Talk to the Unions. No ships are built in US unless for US military and other than Coast Guard they have stopped buying.

  2. Gregory. You need to be patient. The information keeps coming. After the time it spend in Europe it is coming to New York. The final home port is to be announced later.

  3. SO DISAPPOINTED that the #1 cruise market in the world, the U.S. won’t be
    the home of the newest gladdest Carnival ship.

    • I could ask the same question, about New Orleans. Its simple as long as people keep getting on Magic, Triumph and other one they are bring. That’s what you will get. Some were along the line places like Galveston have to step up and say enough enough. Start raising docking fees then offer big discount for 5.0 rated ships. Also need to get state legislator to change the liquor laws for the consumption and serving of liquor on cruise ships in Texas waters. Galveston is in a good position to do it. PC, FT, Miami are almost at the point they do not have space for anymore ships. So time to get the hard ball out.
      Have to be able to say good or none.

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