Opinion10 Signs You're Addicted to Cruising

10 Signs You’re Addicted to Cruising

Cruise Fever, also known as post cruise depression, affects everyone in a different way.  For some it starts the moment they head back to work yet for others it begins at disembarkation and while standing in line for customs.  Here are 10 signs that you have Cruise Fever and are addicted to cruising.

  1. Everyday you check your cruise countdown (via Ship Mate or other mobile app) to see exactly how many days you have until your next cruise.  If this is one of the first things you do every morning when you wake up, you are addicted to cruising.

  2. You check in online for your cruise and print out your boarding passes the moment you make final payment, even if your cruise is 75 or more days away.  For some reason, this makes it feel like you’re a little closer to your cruise.

  3. You begin researching your next cruise before you even start unpacking from your last one. Admit it, this is just about always true, especially after your first cruise.

  4. If your friends and family members tell you that you talk to much about cruising, you probably have Cruise Fever. This also includes sharing cruise pictures and articles on Facebook.

  5. When you head to bed at night, you get bummed that there is no chocolate on your pillow and your bed isn’t turned down.

  6. When you go out to dinner and you miss having menus that don’t have prices listed on them.

  7. If your Saturday and Sunday afternoons are spent watching the PTZtv webcams and watching cruise ships leave port, you just might have Cruise Fever. If you didn’t know that this website existed until now, you’re welcome.

  8. You’re addicted to visiting cruise message boards or one of the various cruise groups on Facebook.

  9. If you find yourself constantly looking at pictures and videos from past cruises, it is a sign that you have Cruise Fever.

  10.  If you eat, sleep, and dream about cruising, you are definitely addicted to cruising.

Ben Souza
Ben Souza
Ben is a world traveler who has visited 40+ countries, taken over 80 cruises. He is one of USA TODAY's experts for their 10Best Readers' Choice Awards. His writings have appeared and been cited in various media outlets such as Yahoo News, MSN, NPR, CNN, Fox, and ABC News. Ben currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Follow Ben on Instagram. Visit Ben Souza on Linkedin. You may email Ben at [email protected].
Opinion10 Signs You're Addicted to Cruising

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