Cruise NewsOver-the-Door Organizers No Longer Allowed on Carnival Cruise Line

Over-the-Door Organizers No Longer Allowed on Carnival Cruise Line

Over-the-door hanging organizers are a popular accessory that passengers bring on cruises to help them keep their cabin neat and organized.  However, they are longer allowed on Carnival Cruise Line Fun Ships.


On, the following three rules are now listed for decorating a stateroom door and the interior of each stateroom:

  • Use only fire retardant materials
  • To affix materials to your stateroom door, you may use magnets and Command Strips.
  • Do not use adhesives, (such as tape or glue) and over-the-door hanging organizers as they can damage the door.

Carnival joins Disney Cruise Line in not allowing over-the-door hanging organizers on their ships to help protect the finish on the cabin doors.  Cruise Fever reached out to Carnival Cruise Line about this change and will update this article when we hear back from the cruise line.

Ben Souza
Ben Souza
Ben is a world traveler who has visited 40+ countries, taken over 80 cruises. He is one of USA TODAY's experts for their 10Best Readers' Choice Awards. His writings have appeared and been cited in various media outlets such as Yahoo News, MSN, NPR, CNN, Fox, and ABC News. Ben currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Follow Ben on Instagram. Visit Ben Souza on Linkedin. You may email Ben at [email protected].
Cruise NewsOver-the-Door Organizers No Longer Allowed on Carnival Cruise Line


  1. I don’t think I can live without bringing my shoe organizer! I put everything in those neat little compartments. Its the best way to keeping your cabin nice and neat from the clutter. If you’re anything like me you bring everything(just in case) with you, and that takes up space you normally don’t have.

    I also read that you could bring command strips. In that case, instead of the metal hooks that go over the door, you could use command strips that have the hooks and hang it that way. I use these during the holidays, and they work great!

  2. Again, Media at its best……….. “Over the door organizers” are not even what the new guideline out was talking about. But hey, they got us to come read this on their website, SMH.

  3. Over-the-door hanging organizers may only be used if they are fire retardant and do not damage the door. (Must hang inside the stateroom)

  4. Well just how many shoes can one person take. I only take 2 pairs. With airline luggage being only 23 kg, there is no weight to be lost in a lot of pairs of shoes.

    • Many travelers use the over the door shoe organizers as a small item organizer NOT for shoes. It keeps things within sight and off the counters.

    • Chris – I believe that most people use the shoe organizers for other items – not shoes. They like being able to store things like wet wipes, suntan lotion, etc. in each of the ‘pockets’ of the shoe organizer.

    • The shoe organiser is not used for shoes….while on the cruise. A lot of people bring a shoe organiser to place other items in to minimize clutter in the room and bathrooms. I use one all the time for this. For now, I will use it until they tell me to take it down.

    • not about “how many” shoes, it really nice for places for sunscreens, hats, wife put here cheap jewerly in there, cups, all kinds of small items the kids have, it just makes nice not to have the counter stacked and packed, plus leave a open spot and the stewards have fun with towel creatures kids love that.

    • Oh there not used for your shoes, people use them to keep all the small things you take with you organized and out of the way

  5. Hello – I am the founder of a very popular FB group called Carnival Cruisers …Decorate Your Doors.
    We are very happy to see that Carnival has taken a bit of our recommendations and officially has posted them.
    We will be awaiting for an update that states no lights are allowed as passengers may follow your lights instead of the ‘real’ emergency lights. No lights on the balcony as lights on the back of the ship have maritime laws.
    Our group has always emphasized safety first and consideration of our Carnival friends (staff).
    I also feel that the word “organizers” may be misleading, as they are more commonly known a wreath hangers. They are usually metal, and do damage the doors. I believe this is what Carnival was talking about. There was no mention of shoe organizers, or references to inside the cabin.
    The art of decorating is fun and exciting. It gets us into the cruising spirit even when our cruise is months away.
    Fire retardant spray is available from popular hobby shops or on line.
    Our FB group has creative pictures of doors, and is a great group of people.

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