VideosVideo: Plane Buzzes Norwegian Cruise Ship in Bermuda

Video: Plane Buzzes Norwegian Cruise Ship in Bermuda

Update: The French aircraft crew has apologized saying that it was not “their intention to cause any disturbance”.  They went on to say “We understand that some Bermuda residents and visitors, in particular some cruise ship passengers, may have been surprised or scared, and for this we sincerely apologise”.

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Original Article: Passengers on last week’s Norwegian Breakaway cruise received a scare on June 24 when an airplane flew extremely close to the cruise ship during a military training exercise.
A passenger on Norwegian Breakaway, Richard Ogle, filmed the video from the Sundeck (Deck 18) of the Dassault Falcon 50 flyby during a training exercise and posted it on YouTube. You can watch the video of the flyby below.

Although the reason for the plane flying extremely close to the cruise ship is unknown, The Bernews reported on June 24, 2016 that military jets were flying at low altitude over Bermuda. The police received several calls from concerned members of the public about the the low altitude of the planes. However, the news site also said that two military jets had permission from the Department of Civil Aviation to conduct low altitude circuits over Bermuda.

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Ben Souza
Ben Souza
Ben is a world traveler who has visited 40+ countries, taken over 70 cruises. He is one of USA TODAY's experts for their 10Best Readers' Choice Awards. His writings have appeared and been cited in various media outlets such as Yahoo News, MSN, NPR, CNN, Fox, and ABC News. Ben currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Follow Ben on Instagram. Visit Ben Souza on Linkedin. You may email Ben at [email protected].
VideosVideo: Plane Buzzes Norwegian Cruise Ship in Bermuda


  1. I was on the cruise and was on The rope climbing obstacle coarse and when it flew by it said Marine on the side of it

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