Cruise PicsCruise Ships of the Future?

Cruise Ships of the Future?

Cruise ships continue to evolve and that led us to ask the question, what will cruise ships look like in the future?  We searched the deep corners of the internet and found an interesting variety of mock-ups of cruise ships.  While most of these will never be built, here are some of the more interesting designs.

We found this interesting ship on  Although it looks more like a floating resort with a giant pool in the center than a cruise ship, it would easily dwarf over the largest ships that have been built to date.

Another gem from, this one looks like a combination of a super yacht and high rise condominium.

For cruise passengers who enjoy smaller, more intimate cruise ships, this design by Yacht Island Design has everything from tiki huts, palm trees, and a waterfall coming out of a volcano.

The Freedom Ship is a nearly 1 mile long cruise ship concept that would be a modern city on water. Called a “Community on the Sea”, it will be the prefect solution for those who want to live on a cruise ship. However, the project ran into financial trouble in 2002 and has yet to get off the ground.

This next generation cruise ship by MSC Cruises is slated to be built before the end of 2017 (MSC Seaside).  It is likely the only cruise ship listed on this page that will ever be built.

The LNG fueled Sapphire Blue cruise ship design was released in the fall of 2014 by Rolls-Royce.  The project hinges on economic operational considerations.

Could we see this ride on a cruise ship in the future? Rich Tucker at thinks it “would be awesome”.

Ben Souza
Ben Souza
Ben is a world traveler who has visited 40+ countries, taken over 80 cruises. He is one of USA TODAY's experts for their 10Best Readers' Choice Awards. His writings have appeared and been cited in various media outlets such as Yahoo News, MSN, NPR, CNN, Fox, and ABC News. Ben currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Follow Ben on Instagram. Visit Ben Souza on Linkedin. You may email Ben at [email protected].
Cruise PicsCruise Ships of the Future?


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