Cruise News3 Airlines Raise Checked Bag Fees

3 Airlines Raise Checked Bag Fees

If you are flying to your next cruise, it may cost you a little more to fly as a third major airline has raised checked bag fees over the past few weeks.

Delta Airlines raised their checked bag fees to $30 for the first bag today and $40 for the second. This is an increase of $5 per bag. This follows JetBlue and United Airlines who also raised their first checked bag by $5 to $30 and second checked bag to $40 last month.  American Airlines, the world’s largest airline, has yet to raise their checked bag fees this year.

Checked bag fees for domestic flights for the major airlines are now as follows:

  • American Airlines: $25 for the first bag, $35 for the second
  • Delta Airlines: $30 for first bag, $40 for the second
  • JetBlue: $30 for the first bag, $40 for the second
  • United Airlines: $30 for the first bag, $40 for the second

Southwest Airlines continues to be the only major carrier that offers all passengers to check two bags each for no extra charge. Discount airlines such as Spirit, Frontier, and Allegiant have varying bag fees depending on when you pay and the routes you are flying.  Airlines first introduced bag fees in 2008 at a price of $15 for the first bag.

Ben Souza
Ben Souza
Ben is a world traveler who has visited 40+ countries, taken over 80 cruises. He is one of USA TODAY's experts for their 10Best Readers' Choice Awards. His writings have appeared and been cited in various media outlets such as Yahoo News, MSN, NPR, CNN, Fox, and ABC News. Ben currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Follow Ben on Instagram. Visit Ben Souza on Linkedin. You may email Ben at [email protected].
Cruise News3 Airlines Raise Checked Bag Fees

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