Cruise NewsWorld's Largest Cruise Ship to Bring the Broadway Musical CATS to the...

World’s Largest Cruise Ship to Bring the Broadway Musical CATS to the High Seas

Cats is coming to oasis of the seasFor those who love Broadway style entertainment while enjoying a cruise vacation it will come as welcome news to know that CATS will be entertaining Oasis of the Seas guests after fall of 2014.

Royal Caribbean International will be bringing the Tony Award-winning Broadway production of CATS to the largest cruise ship in the world, and as one of the longest running shows on Broadway and having been seen in over 20 countries in 10 different languages, the cruise line is confident that it will be a hit with cruisers.

Oasis of the Seas is scheduled for a dry dock in the fall of 2014 and after its completion the fully licensed  production of CATS will hop on board to entertain guests.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with the Really Useful Group to bring one of the world’s most beloved musicals to Oasis of the Seas,” said Lisa Lutoff-Perlo, Executive Vice President, Operations, Royal Caribbean International.

“Adding CATS to our already amazing line up of Broadway musicals such as Hairspray, Chicago: The Musical, Saturday Night Fever and Mamma Mia exemplify our commitment to bringing top quality entertainment to our guests at no extra cost.”

What do you think about this news?  Any CATS fans out there or fans of Broadway musicals in general?  Let us know with a comment below.

J. Souza
J. Souza
Jon is the co-founder of Cruise Fever and has been on 50+ cruises since his first in 2009. As an editor, 15-year writer on the cruise industry, and avid cruise enthusiast he has sailed with at least 10 cruise lines and is always looking for a great cruise deal. Jon lives in North Carolina and can be reached at [email protected].
Cruise NewsWorld's Largest Cruise Ship to Bring the Broadway Musical CATS to the...

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